
Showing posts from June, 2018

Sports For Champions

Sports for Champions will be visiting Iveson Primary on 3rd July.   Now that the sponsorship forms have gone out we hope you are doing your best to ask your family and friends to sponsor you in our sports challenge! Remember - only ask people that you know to sponsor you.  Sponsorship forms should be returned with any money collected on Tuesday 26th June. If you have any questions about this, please just ask.

Making Sea Stars

Today we made sea stars.  We made them with salt dough.  To make the dough we mixed flour, salt and water and stirred it until it was sticky. Then we added more flour and squeezed it until it was a dough. We moulded the dough into sea stars. Finally we used lollypop sticks and match sticks to decorate our sea stars with lines and dots. What do you think of our super work?

This week's spellings

Here are our spellings for this week:  How many can you remember on Friday?

Turns in Maths

We have been learning about left and right turns. We used a hoop to help us.  We practised whole turns, quarter turns, half turns and even three-quarter turns. Quiz us when we get home to see if we can remember!

Get to know our website

Following recent parent feedback, we have published a new series of videos on our YouTube channel that will help parents to find the information they need on our school website. Follow this link to the playlist More videos to be posted soon.

We open on Tuesday 5th

School opens on Tuesday 5th June. We hope that you are having a restful break. All of our term dates are on our website.