
Maths - National Poetry Day

Autumn treasure hunt in maths today - finding, sorting and counting natural resources. This inspired the children to write their own poetry to celebrate National Poetry Day/West Yorkshire Poetry week.  

Art - Owl and Finches

Our watercolour birds are brightening up the KS1 corridor.   

DT - Where does food come from?

This half term the children will be learning about where food comes from. They will be designing their own food kebab and making it to enjoy. We will take about balanced diet and discuss their likes and dislikes.  This week the children headed to the allotment to see what food we could find growing. We talked about the different parts of plants that we can eat such as the seeds of a sunflower, the flowers of courgettes. We found plum trees, raspberries and blackberries, pumpkins, tomatoes, lots of herbs and courgettes.   

English -The Naughty Bus

 Iveson has its very own naughty bus!  After ready the book ‘The Naughty Bus’ by Jerry Oke and Jan Oke. We took our very own red London bus on an adventure around our school. We started in the classroom, up to the playground, into the allotment and the small bus even got to meet our big Iveson kitchen bus. The children used prepositional language to describe where the bus was such as ‘The bus is underneath the wooden bench.’ ‘The bus is inside the watering can’ .  

Maths - Sorting Objects

In maths we have been sort many different objects and resources around the classroom. We sorted the by shape size and colour and thought of different ways to sort the same objects. There was lots of discussion and teamwork.   

English - All about Buses

This week in English the children have started the new topic all about buses. We will be reading a book called the ‘Naughty Bus’. Today the children experienced going on a bus. We role played going on an adventure as we visited the Iveson kitchen bus. We will be using this space for lots of topics throughout the year.