
Showing posts from March, 2024

Maths - Weight

  This week the children have been learning about weight and mass. We have used the balance scales to compare different objects around the classroom. At first we but objects at each side to see which one was heavier or lighter. Then we used maths resources such as cubes and numicon pieces to compare the weight.    

History - Coronation and Jubilee medals

The children this term have been learning about Queen Elizabeth II. We have looked at images through her life, created a family tree of the royal family and researched facts about her life. The children have used the I -Pads this week to find facts from the BBC bite size website and recorded these on a fact file.  The children have looked at a real coronation medal and a Jubilee Medal that belongs to a friend of Mrs Button. The children enjoyed looking at the video of the soldiers during the processions and seeing the artefacts from the event  in person.

Maths - Height and Length

This week we have had lots of fun in maths measuring length and height. We have used lots of different non-standard units of measure to find the length of height of ourselves and objects around the classroom. On World Book Day we have compared the height and length of characters from out story The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson.   

World Book Day!

 A fantastic day was had by all!