
Showing posts from September, 2020

Science - Our Sences

This week in Science the children were learning about senses. We focused on the sense of sight and learned about the eyes. We discussed what we already knew about the eyes and things that can help us see.  On the carpet we look at each other’s eyes and talked about the different parts. We investigated what happens to our pupils when we close our eyes.   

Art- Andy Warhol

I n Art, the children have been learning about the artist Andy Warhol. We discussed the bright colours he used in his art work and the technique of printing. We discussed patterns and how we could use a range of materials and objects to create a piece of art work. The children then had time to experiment with the different objects to create patterns using the printing technique. We use sponges, numicon pegs, cubes and pom poms. Well done year 1.

Welcome Back

 W E L C O M E !  We have had a wonderful, but busy, first week back in Year 1. It has been lovely to see all the children’s happy faces each day and they have settled back into school routine brilliantly.  We are excited to see what this year will entail and the progress they will make over the coming months.  Happy to be back!  Miss Pardoe and Miss Heszelgraves  (Here is a peak of the classrooms)

Science - Egg Drop

In Science, The children were helping Humpty Dumpty as he always keeps breaking! The children discussed ways to protect an egg from breaking. They thought about different materials and their properties. As a group be discussed predictions before we tested each of the materials. Each group found that the sand was the best material to protect the egg and that if you wrap the egg well in bubble wrap the egg would not break. Well done year 1, fantastic team work!