
Showing posts from May, 2017

Reading with Nursery

We had a fantastic time on friday reading stories with Nursery! Mr Cockburn and Mrs Coward helped choose partners for us, then we set off to read! Nursery had very kindly made us each a crispy bun to eat! They were delicious 😁

Introducing Jumpy!

Owls 1 have very exciting news... We officially have a froglet! We all suggested a name for our new class member and we pulled one out of a pot. The winning name was Jumpy! This is our first froglet...

Family Picnic

Today we had a wonderful family picnic. The children made their own food and shared it with parents, grandparents and siblings!  This was the result of our DT unit on healthy eating and food choices. We planned healthy food for our picnic, prepared the food and then assembled our choices. Have a look at the pictures to see all of our hard work! First we had to get all the fruit and vegetables ready.  We learned how to peel carrots, chop up peppers to scoop out the seeds and make sure we cut the fruit into equal pieces to use on our fruit kebabs.  Then we made our sandwiches, chopped up our vegetable sticks, and assembled our fruit kebabs.  We made our fruit kebabs using bamboo skewers and a choice of yummy fresh fruit. It was so exciting to have our families join us to share in the fun on the field! Ammar got to spend some time reading to his Mum.  Caden showed off his c...

Free Online Resources

With the end of the year approaching we thought it would be helpful to compile a list of some of the free online resources you can access at home! These will be helping in continuing to support your child with their learning, particularly in phonics and maths. Obb and Bob: Hit the Button: You can access many free resources for math through: The following site has lots of games for both English and Maths: We hope you enjoy these - keep checking back for more resources!

Family Picnic

As part of our Healthy Eating unit in DT, we have been talking about what a healthy diet is. We then designed our own healthy lunch. We will be making these foods on Monday and all Year 1 parents are invited to join us for a family picnic on Monday from 1:30pm - 2:30pm. 


One of our tadpoles has teeny tiny legs! See if you can spot them...

Getting Crafty

Owls 1 had a fantastic DT lesson today in which we practised lots of different skills whilst making our own mini beasts! These mini beasts will be brightening up our classroom this half term. Have a look at the hard work we have been doing. First we cut out all the different body parts of the minibeasts. Then we used split pins to make holes where the body parts would be joined. Finally we pieced our minibeasts together to make spiders, bees and butterflies.                   

Hotel Tadpole

Our tadpoles are now getting very close to sprouting their leggies, so to keep an eye on them, Miss Grimshaw has carefully carried them home for the weekend! Whilst at Hotel Tadpole they have tried some interesting new fish food, courtesy of their fishy neighbours for the weekend! Have a look at how much they enjoyed their snack below! We need to start thinking of names for our inbound froglets, so if you have any ideas please let Miss Grimshaw know!

Tadpole Update!

Owls 1 are excitedly keeping an eye on the progress of our tadpoles - they are getting really big now!  We are hoping that some of them will soon have legs, so we are on the lookout for some rocks or stones that they could use to crawl out of the water once their leggies have sprouted! If you have anything suitable at home please bring it in. 😃 Have a look at our cute little tadpoles for yourself...

Owls B Assembly

 Dear parents and carers, You are invited  to our class assembly on Thursday 18th May at 9.05am. We will be sharing all the things which we have found out about mini beasts. Mrs Patterson and Miss Anyan

Parent Workshop reminder

I will be running my parent workshop again next Monday at 2.40pm. Please arrive promptly as we are now covering how to support your child with maths, English and phonics. Lots to get through! Thank you for your continued support. Mrs Patterson  

Cross-Curricular Learning

In Owls 1 we have been learning all about parts of plants and trees! Today we took our learning outside to look at all the plants and trees around school.   Then we used what we had learned to label the parts of trees and plants. Finally we expanded our learning by using our art skills to collage pictures of the parts of plants and trees!   Keep an eye out for more news on our class tadpoles!