Year One have focussed on both Andy Warhol and Andy Goldsworthy in Art this term. On Friday, Year One did some beautiful printing relating to the artist Andy Warhol in their sketch books. The children worked really hard to create interesting patterns and designs.
Year 1 and Year 2 worked hard to create fraction pizzas. They halved an ingredients list in pairs then decorated their pizzas. Well done Key Stage One!
In Guided Reading the children have read the story, The Owl who was afraid of the dark. The WOW words chosen for this book were: thump, startled, enormous, gentle and exploring. The children were able to put these words into sentences. Ask your child what these words mean.
In English, Year One have continued to write non-fiction reports. This week, the focus has been hedgehogs. The children worked in teams to create and design their very own hedgehog habitats. We then put the hedgehog habitats outside. See if you can spot them around the school grounds.