Year One have begun our Place Value to 50 unit of work. This week the children have been finding out how many ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ are in a number. The children challenged one another and used practical resources.
This week we have had lots of fun in maths measuring length and height. We have used lots of different non-standard units of measure to find the length of height of ourselves and objects around the classroom. On World Book Day we have compared the height and length of characters from out story The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson.
This half term the children have been learning about portraits. They have researched the various styles of artist. This lead to creating their own pencil drawing and oil pastel self portraits at the end of term. Below is a selection of Artwork inspired by Pablo Picasso’s portraits of himself. The children looked at a range of his self portraits and looked at his ever changing style.
This is an additional resource to support learning at home, e ach day there are 3 lessons - English, Maths and one other - with a video, interactive quiz and a link to a sheet or consolidat ion task. It can be accessed in small chunks and is suitable for phone, tablet, laptop and PC. Click on the link and select Year 1 , you can then select a lesson from a range of subjects. 😊 Daily lessons for primary and secondary pupils - BBC Bitesize Daily lessons for Year 1 through to Year 10 from Bitesize covering English, Maths, Science and History.