English Wednesday
Listen again to 'The lighthouse keeper's tea'
Join us for a fun day surfing with lighthouse keepers, Mr. and Mrs. Grinling! www.youtube.com |
For example:
Dear Diary,
Today has been a very busy day and I am tired. I tried lots of activities. First, I tried cooking, but this was a disaster. Secondly, I went bird watching. This made me feel very peaceful. I saw greenfishes and kingfishers. Suddenly, some cows came and ate my delicious sandwiches. I then tried to play the violin and surfing. I was not very good at surfing because I could not swim. After, I decided to learn to swim. Finally, I
kept practicing and practicing to surf until I stayed on the surfboard. I had a very exciting day!
From Mr Grinling.
Remember to include time connectives!