
Showing posts from November, 2021

Computing - pictograms

 Year 1 have been becoming familiar with logging on to an IPad and using their login to go onto purple mash. The children have also created their avatars and learnt how to save their own work and log out.  This week, we explored pictograms where we discussed different ways that the children get to school. This will prepare us for next week when the children create their own on purple mash!  Get the children to show you how to log into purple mash!

English - Nocturnal Animals

Year 1 have been finding out facts about owls. Find out about more nocturnal animals by clicking the link below.  Can you find any interesting facts about bats, foxes or hedgehogs? 


Year 1 have been discussing what kind of place the bear from our story might live. The children drew and labelled the different physical features in the woods. Look at some of their fantastic work! 

Maths - number bonds to 10

Practise your number bonds to 10 by clicking the link below to play 'Pop and Drop'. How many bonds to 10 can you find before the time is up?

Outdoor Learning - Art

 Year 1 are learning about sculptor artist Andy Goldsworthy who likes to use natural materials for his art work. We collected sticks, different coloured leaves, berries, apples and stones to recreate own class creation.

Outdoor Learning!

  We had a fantastic day learning outdoors. We toasted marshmallows on an open fire to spark interest for our new book ‘Bear Snores On’. We discussed fire safety and how to stay safe near a fire. Click on the link to hear the story. Later on in the day, we enjoyed maths using natural resources to explore numbers bonds to 10. We compared the number bonds using the signs greater than, less than and equal to. Look at our amazing learning below!