
Showing posts from September, 2024

English - All about Buses

This week in English the children have started the new topic all about buses. We will be reading a book called the ‘Naughty Bus’. Today the children experienced going on a bus. We role played going on an adventure as we visited the Iveson kitchen bus. We will be using this space for lots of topics throughout the year. 

Art - Owls and Finches Class

We are so proud of the children this week. They have all settled in so well to their new Year 1 classes. In art we have been learning about the different birds our classes are names after and have created some superb watercolour paintings. The children have also worked together on the playground to create chalk dots inspired by our guided reading story this week ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds. Well done Year 1 and keep up the fantastic work. 

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome back to Iveson Primary School Year 1. We have had an amazing first day back at school.  All the children have settled into their new classrooms and are enjoying being part of the Owls and Finches communities. Everyone has worked hard and all the teachers are so proud of the work that the children have produced already.  PE days will be  Finches - Monday and Wednesday  Owls- Monday and Thursday  Reminder to bring in pumps, dark shorts and white T shirt to school.  Children will be given reading books this week. If these can be brought in with the children everyday and the will be changed weekly on Thursdays.  Mrs Button, Miss Armitage and Mrs Covell